



底下原文來自:Ampère lays the foundations of electrodynamics (September 1820-January 1821)

The intensity of the current being gauged, if not measured, by the angle of the needle’s deflection, how did one define the “direction” of the current? Ampère’s initial idea about the nature of the current in the metallic wire was that there existed two simultaneous and opposite currents of positive electricity and negative electricity.


He arbitrarily chose to call the direction of the current that of the positive electricity. What relationship was there between this – conventional – direction of the current and the magnetic effect? Ampère stated a simple rule that avoided the long list that Oersted made of the various possible scenarios:

接著安培就將 “current” 一詞用來指涉 “positive electricity”。那接下來的問題就是,所謂的 “current”(正電)方向究竟跟我們觀察到的磁效應有什麼關係?於是安培就提出了一個簡單的規則,以取代掉奧斯特當時提出的對於各種情境下的電流方向定義。

“If one mentally stands in the direction of the current in such a way that it flows from the feet to the head of the observer, and one’s face is turned toward the needle, it is always to one’s left that the action of the current will divert [the north pole of the needle] from its normal position.”


Ampère drew his “observer” for the case of electric currents that he imagined inside the terrestrial globe. The circle represents the Earth with its magnetic poles N(orth) and S(outh) connected by a terrestrial meridian. The observer is traversed from foot to head by an electric current (partially shown) circulating around the equator. One must imagine the observer lying on his back on the ground and watching a compass located above him. His left arm indicates the direction that will be taken by the North pole of the compass under the action of the current, that is to say the N(orth) pole of Earth.

Ampère’s “little guy” (le “bonhomme d’Ampère”) has incited generations of French lycée students to all sorts of contortions, at least mentally, and at times stimulated their humorous wit.

安培為此畫了張圖案,如右圖。他說地球裡面就像是有這種電流,繞著地球赤道自轉,所以才產生了南北極。 圖中的圓圈就是地球,子午線連接著南北極。電流就從安培想像的觀察者的腳底流向頭頂,並持續地繞著赤道轉了一圈(人只不過是赤道的一部份)。這差不多就像是你躺在地板上看著天空,然後眼前(空中)扶著一個磁針。這時磁針N極就會指向他的左手,也就是說左手指向北極。





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我是 Ethan,科學普及教育愛好者。
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